EK Emmanuelle Khanh Junior Collection
During the 1970’s, French designer Emmanuelle Khanh beamed into the fashion limelight with her superb ready-to-wear clothes, accessories and the most exciting, super-sized frames. Her devoted fans included Jane Birkin and Catherine Deneuve. Ms. Khanh has subsequently retired, but her tradition of glamorous, edgy frames lives on for adults, and luckily, now for children as well. The EK Junior Collection includes both optical and sun styles, with the model above inspired from frames beloved by Mum and Dad. Beautifully hand-crafted in France in silken acetate, this bold rimmed design is certain to be a favourite with young fashionistas. The frames can be purchased online at Little Fashion Gallery www.littlefashiongallery.com for more information: www.emmanuellekhanhparis.com JG