New Team Recruit at Coppe+Sid
29th July 2015 Coppe Gualtiero, co-founder with Sid Fiz at Coppe+Sid, introduces the newest member of the team.
“Marilu is a new entry at Eye Design Club Italia. She just joined the company a month ago, and she has not yet met Uncle Coppe and Uncle Sid, as they are managing ED Club Europe in London, and ED Club Asia Pacific in Singapore at the moment. Marilu is an Australian Sheppard, and she is seven months old. Her mother Teddy is four years old, and gave birth to nine puppies! All of them have found homes. Marilu is very quite and shy, and definitely a good ‘office dog’ girl, and just needs a little ‘control.’

“Marilu likes to be with somebody all the time, and she welcomes every person coming to the office – not only the customers! She is the same at the house, only she is not really a watchdog, as you very seldom hear her ‘voice’ or bark.

“She is not travelling with me yet, but she has started enjoying little trips by car with local Coppe+Sid sales women. When Marilu is at the office she is curious about any new products. She waits for break times, especially during this hot summer, to have fun with people in the office, like Nicolo, our Graphic Designer. My friend rescued Teddy, Marilu’s mother, and I’m so pleased that I have this good girl Marilu!” JG